- online performance piece, 2017

Poquinca [poʊ-kiŋ-ka] (2023)

documentary series

Poquinca is a Gen Z sociological journey about the transition between adolescence and adulthood. From distinct perspectives around the globe, the film explores current societal shifts as well as the discovery of identity in both physical and virtual spaces. 

Trashy Selfies (2017 - 2019)

digital photography

Posing the cheeky question of how our relationships with the creative content we consume affect our desires of consumption, Trashy Selfies explores the "art selfie" in a way that simultaneously pokes fun at the importance of artwork and the constant demand for new content that is readily shareable. In this new economy of art, how long will it be before all that is left to share is the waste of consumerism?

Views (2017) 

multi-channel virtual video installation w/ audio, 1 min 28 sec

Views was produced while at Momo Studio Residency in Wuxi, China. In the same vein as, Is This Meme Art , Views uses video that is considered by the artist to be “digital garbage”. The artist used live-streaming apps such as Inke as well as video stories from wechat, instagram, and snapchat feeds. The sound for the video was created by sampling over-compressed audio from viral videos and video memes. Finally, the artist takes these videos and renders them in a virtual space to emulate the neural response of dopamine feedback loops while being engaged with social media.

Get Your Views; Is this Meme Art? (2019)

digital prints on fabric and multi-channel video installation w/ audio, 1 min 28 sec

In 2019, the Rotterdam International Film Festival held an exhibition and film screening of works inspired by internet memes. The full program was entitled, Rabbit Hole. The exhibition part of the program, Meme Café, was held in Het Niuewe Institut and featured Views and Is This Meme Art? reinterpreted into one single installation piece specifically for the festival. The documentation video of this installation can be found in the second video down.

Is This Meme Art?

2017 digital mixed media

In this series the artist explores current internet culture aesthetics and their relationships with modern art. The artist has used “digital garbage” - screenshots, personal photos, and unused selfies. Incorporating popular meme aesthetics with grammatically incorrect phrases, company logos, and like/subscribe buttons, the artist humorously questions the power of consumerism values in the post internet age.